Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

It seems that Slashdot lately has had alot of stories that have appeared on digg (first). It seems that Slashdot lately has slacked off with delivering the stories first. It seems that digg has almost taken over Slashdot.

I subscribe to the Slashdot Top Stories newsletter and notice that most of the stories featured on digg are in the Slashdot newsletter the next day. It Slashdot going to crash and burn do-to digg?


‘Twas the geek’s night before Christmas, and all through the house,

Not a hard drive was whirring, not a single clicking mouse;

The gadgets were charging in their docks with care,

In hopes that St. Nick shopped at Best Buy this year;

The geeks were all snuggled all warm in their beds,

While visions of smartphones did dance in their heads.

With a click and a whir there arose such a clatter,

As the PDAs and UMPCs began to all chatter;

A song they did sing to ring in good cheer,

In their sleep geeks were smiling for what did they hear?

Nothing, because it was all flash drives here,

And as they settled their heads back down in the bed,

They dreamed of the gadgets that might be colored red;

A Zune, an iPod, or an HDTV,

Could that be what they’d find underneath the tree?

As the geeks fell asleep with their eyes all aglow,

And the visions of electrons did come and did go;

With a whoosh down the chimney the gear did alight,

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
